Monday, August 15, 2011


today im sick , having gastric . at 8am i call you and tell you bout it , we having same situation . its so funny for the first , at 2 pm , i call you and i can't stand it.

i ask you to company me go to clinic, and we go . after that , i still not very well , and im waiting for you asking me , but no respons . i know you sick too , but i can still take care bout you , worried bout you , call you, giving you medicine, buy you some food event im sick and i can still smile to you . but you ? you scream at me ?

at the night , im still waiting you wake up , i call your housemate when you not pickup and ask about you , and still waiting . at 1 am , you call me , im so happy sayang, and i ask you to go out and eat together , but you don't want , its okay . after 5 minutes you sent a text you want to go out with your friends , ohh its hurts.

im waiting for you for the whole day and you didn't realize it . you dont event know that im worried bout you and miss you , and you just go away with your friends and said 'tak sahur ke ' can't you think it before you said anything.

thanks :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

if time can turned back

im sorry , saya tak sepatutnya sakitkan ati awak . saya tak sengaja , i now its hurts , but its long time a go , when i did'nt realize how important you are in my life . i know its all my fault , i lied to you many times ,you did'nt know deep in my heart i wanted everyday with you , any second .you not in my place , and now when i realize it and i want to say sorry and i say sorry for many times you say that words . why should you say that ? how could you say that ? im already finished your birthday card , sorry maybe i can't celebrate our birthday together, i give you card early . HAPPY BIRTHDAY REZA FOR 21th . no time can turned back , it will always go and go ,and its time for me to let you go

Friday, March 18, 2011

you're still the one

sometimes I do a lot of annoying you, but that does not mean I do not love you. I tried to do a lot to you but perhaps you can not see, but I just do understand that I may know how to love someone, try to think back baby

Thursday, December 2, 2010

forREZA MDZINbaby :)

syg , mybe the time you read this I might be at grandma home, waiting time going indonesia tomorrow morning. how I miss you when already got there later, unable to contact you in there, arghhh. sayang , know that I love you so much,event you sepet , but it really, really cute baby:) I made this picture for you in my diary, I really love you and will never stop loving you dear:)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ohh,DECcomingbaby !

hey hey, a few more days to go to Indonesia. maybe in a week or two weeks, I will miss you reza Md Zin. take care of your self and iloveyouu very much sayang !. bhaha. go to Indonesia as usual last year, holiday and visiting relatives, and I'll get bored and tired.

DEC months arrive, ohh god! Much is not yet available. rental housing, whether to sit outside or inside. the goods to be brought to perakk, arghhh. and study time is almost arrived, the result will come out! serammmmm! err. for right now, indonesia first (:

heyyy, yesterday I got a baby name! although more slowly, but it does not matter right? for fun je. bhaha, I designed it with sepettt. bhahaha. for baby girl 'KASIH ALEESA' and baby boy 'EZANY Daniel', so hott baby! Iloveyouuuuu ~

CANT WAIT 2011 :)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

AMIRAhazwaniBABY (:

Miera ? ramai yang bernama miera , event nama aku sekalipon . Miera , miera ,miera , terlalu banyak miera yang hadir dalam hidup aku , cuma perbezaaanya diri miera itu sendiri .Now I want to tell about amira hazwani. Who is she? she is very kind, clever take heart, a lot of talking. blablabla, but she had a very soft heart does not like what is shown on her face.

macam mana aku kenal dia ? petang tu dalam pukul 3 lepas daftar kolej , aku terserempak dengan kau, whaoo! terpegun sebentar . cantiknya kau b :) kita turun sekali sebab roomate kau kawan ngn roomate aku , blablabla , kelakar tengok kau b, kelam kabut semacam ,mybe kau tak biasa jauh dari family kan ? LEPAS berhari-hari kita orentasi , ada satu hari tu , ada kejadian yang paling menakutkan,beramai-ramai kena histeria , aku pusing tepi aku tengok kau da lemah sangat , kau menangis , aku tak tahan tengok keadaan kau lemah sangat b , aku cuba baca beberapa ayat ,alhamdulillah , kau takda pape . aku teman kau tidur after tu .

makin lama kita makin rapat dan rapat . bhahaha , tu yang timbul gelaran b :) hari-hari aku tergelak dengan kau , berseronok . and ada satu part ni aku merajuk ngan kau , hee . mengada ohh . setiap hari pasti ada cerita baru antara kita kan b ? padehal setiap hari jumpa kau .macam -macam ragam yang timbul , dengan kau takut ulat kecik , kau lompat kat aku sampai terjatuh aku . bhaahaha , lucu sangat teringat cerita tu b .

masa tu baru beberapa hari birthday aku . setiap hari aku menangis kan b? setiap hari jugak kau cuba redakan aku , semua pasal dia yang terlalu kejam . sedih untuk mengatakannya lagi . lepas kau selalu bagi aku semangat hadapi hidup , buat aku tergelak hari-hari , aku berjaya lupakan dia . and muncul pula wan mohd shah fariz , pada mulanyaa aku bahagia sangat kan b ? tapi perangai sebenarnya mula terkeluar , aku mula merasakan semua ni bodoh sangat . lepas timbul cerita dia texting dengan girl lain ,haish . remuk hati aku , kau cuba tenangkan aku lagi . walaupun muka aku nampak ceria , boleh have fun dengan kau , qaqa and finiey , tapi hati aku terluka sebenarnya b . aku tak nak kau risau . akhirnya aku buat keputusan lepas seminggu wan buat perangai , i let him go in my life . but never mind, things at last and I already forgot . thanks a lot b for advice :)

B , b , b . kau ingat tak kita record time nyanyi lagu belaian jiwa tu ? hee . hari2 aku dengar dalam fon aku b , ohh im really miss you b :) b , aku juga nak minta maaf if selama kita duduk sama -sama ,aku ada terlukakan hati kau ,tercakap lepas dekat kau okay ? aku tak penah ambil hati atas kau , you are my my best friend (:

imiss you my RIBUT KIUK , from KENCANG KIUK :)


kenapa kena tahu pasal AMAL ? kenapa kena ambil tahu pasal AMAL ? kenapa mesti di POSTKAN pasal AMAL ? siapa AMAL ? just a simple answer SHE's attract attention !

amal ,amal ,amal . mana aku kenal kau ? aku kenal kau di uitm ,satu department, satu kelas , satu hari bercakap and satu hari bersua :D sumpah aku fun dengan kau , dengan gelak tawa kau yang merdu , lawak yang kau buat , Haish tak kering gusi AMAL :)
Amal , kau perasan tak satu benda . benda yang selama ni orang pandang , orang lihat , orang senang hati dengan kau , kau tau tak ? u'r so BEAUTIFUL :) ahah , aku ckp mcm ni da mcm lesbian plakkk , jgn salah faham derr ! Bhahaaha . but i mean it AMAL :D

Amal ,kau ingat tak bila kita balik naik bas sama-sama ? Bhahaaha . sumpah kelakar . kita dok menggelakkan orang dalam bas . kau ingat tak bangla yang pengotor tuhh?bhahaahaha , kita nak cakap sampai menggunakan bahasa isyarat ! Adehhh :D dah sampai KL sentral , kau pulak tak tau nak beli tiket kat mana . HAHA , tergelak aku tengok kau amal , dengan beg kau yang BANYAK , tudung serabut . haha . thats my AMAL:)

Bila suasana dalam kelas yang hening ditiup dek angin sepoi2 bahasa , kau lah yang memeriahkan , kau lah yang paling banyak membebel , dengan suara Mr BEAN kau amal ,heheh .At the same situation aku paling tak tahan bila tengok kau sedih , bila tengok kau mengeluh , bila kau meminta ingin kebebasan macam kitorang . Aku sebak rasa , kau menitiskan air mata , disebalik senyuman kau tu kan . AMAL ,AMAL , aku sentiasa memahami keadaan kau , aku sentiasa ada bila kau perlu , aku akan jadi KAWAN yang perfect bagi kau amal , tak perlu bersedih lagi ya ?

amal amal amal , keep what you have now, because with yourself right now makes lot of people love you AMAL <3